Dear Friends, As some of you might be aware of I am getting ready to publish 4 books this spring and I have been on a real writing binge. And there are actually 4 more books in various stages that I’m working on as time permits. But, I had an…
Dear Friends, As some of you might be aware of I am getting ready to publish 4 books this spring and I have been on a real writing binge. And there are actually 4 more books in various stages that I’m working on as time permits. But, I had an…
It’s that time of year…our annual Valentine Gift Guide. We have hand selected some favorites to make this year’s Valentine’s Day gift giving easy. Enjoy our traditional Free Shipping for orders over $200 and surprise him or her with the perfect gift this Valentine’s Day. The Government Mule was the…
The government mule was the workhorse of the US Military for almost 150 years. The Government Mule moved the army. All the supplies, food, ammunition, weapons, and artillery were dependent on the strength, endurance and dependability of this animal to get from one battlefield to the next. In fact our…
Some knives just breathe an uncompromising personality of strength, toughness, and a hard headed, stubborn attitude. So it is with the Emerson Bulldog. These rugged S.O.B.’s are all of those things with a razors edge. The funny thing is that this knife is the knife that almost wasn’t. There’s a…
SOLD OUT With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, don’t delay in ordering a gift for that special someone in your life. These Valentines Day Special Edition Knives are available now in very limited quantities. They come with a pink coated clip which features the heart skull logo as pictured…
The word is out! Ernest Emerson has announced three Brand New Models exclusively from Emerson Knives. The Iron Dragon, Rangemaster and Government Mule The Iron Dragon, the Fixed Blade Government Mule and the Rangemaster Flipper. Watch each video in the playlist to get all the inside information from knife…
Last month, we introduced the Signature Series concept, and this month, we are excited to bring you the Emerson Combat Systems Fighter. With a very limited run, and Emerson Knives designer Ernest Emerson’s personal signature on the blade, this is surely going to be a collector’s item. Read more about…
The SHOT Show is the largest and most comprehensive trade show for all professionals involved with the shooting sports, hunting and law enforcement industries. It is the world’s premier exposition of combined firearms, ammunition, law enforcement, cutlery, outdoor apparel, optics, and related products and services. SHOT® attracts buyers from all…
View on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvjZKBT0mJqvl7gA9JnNzJw and http://www.ustream.tv/channel/emerson-online-lottery TIME CHANGE ** Lottery will be held at 4 PM PST, Friday December 12th ** Christmas Custom Knife Lottery will be held Friday December 12th at 4 PM PST. Auction Opens Friday December 12th and closes on Friday December 19th. CLICK THE LINKS BELOW TO VIEW AUCTION …
The Emerson Patriot. There are few words that conjure up as much emotion and feeling as the word patriot. And no one’s name better embodies that spirit as vividly as George Washington. Without George Washington there would be no United States. There would be no America in this world as we know it. I…
Auction Starts December 7, 2013 at 12:00 pm PST. To view the Auction go to http://www.emersonknivesauctions.com/auction/ All proceeds from the CHARITY AUCTION GEORGE WASHINGTON COLLECTION will be donated to the very special charity the Navy SEAL Foundation http://www.navysealfoundation.org/ The Patriot Knife George Washington Collection This year’s auction features a charity donation knife…
CLICK THE LINKS BELOW TO VIEW AUCTION REGISTER FOR AUCTION VIEW LOTTERY LOTTERY REGISTRATION CLOSED I’m Dreaming of a Black and White Christmas This year’s lottery features a stellar collection of Emerson hard use Customs, including some new models, which will be perfect gifts for anyone…
LOTTERY WINNERS Tamirah Crombie – Super CQC-7 Harry Moore- Roadhouse Cal Barnlund- Emerson Combat Systems Fighter Jeffrey Van Vactor- CQC-11 Walter Simon- CQC-8 Mark Strauss- Gentleman Jim John Blair- Commander Arthur J Belanger Jr- Mini Commander Ken Lin- Mini CQC-8 Ravi Chowdary-Apex Chris Lentine- Gypsy Jack Joseph McKenna- Super CQC-6…
“I am announcing the Retirement of Viper Series of Emerson custom knives also called the MV Line. Those knives are the: MV1, MV2, MV3, MV4, and MV5 models. They were my first hard use, hand finish versions of Tactical’s I built over 25 years ago. I have so many more…
1st Place Winner gets a CQC-8 BT a $263.95 Value /shop/cqc-8/cqc-8-sf/#!prettyPhoto 2nd Place Winner gets an Emerson Sugar skull shirt /shop/apparel/sugar-skull-t/#!prettyPhoto Rules: -The pumpkin must be a hand carved real live pumpkin. -Design must be Emerson Knives, Inc. themed -Pumpkins cannot be painted or have any decorations attached to the pumpkin…
The Way I See It – Another Solution for Syria Note: This was written before the Russian intervention in brokering another “deal” with Syria to destroy their chemical weapons. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. The following is still relevant. We now stand in…
Dear Members, We are pleased to announce the 5th Emerson Online Knife Show Lottery and Auction. This year’s show will be a great one. I am producing some very special knives for this year’s show and I guarantee there will be something for everyone’s tastes. I will have 15 completely…