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The Tree Becomes a Forest

By Blog, The Way I See It No Comments

Recently, several military vets and social workers went to the San Diego Mosque to enlighten themselves about Islam by having a discussion with the Imam.  Their goal was to gain some insight into the current Religious/Political aspects of Islam; where they are separate, where they coincide, and how do Muslims…

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It Was Terror

By Blog, The Way I See It No Comments

I am not politically correct.  I refuse to be intimidated.  I am not scared of Islam, Muslims, or any other group that exists on this earth.  It was an act of terror and he was a Muslim.  Are they related?  You’re damn right they are.  And I don’t need all…

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I Stand With Israel

By Blog, The Way I See It No Comments

Where is the rest of the world?  Where is our administration? I am willing to bet Israel feels pretty alone right now.  What the hell is wrong with this picture? We need to stand with our ally, the only democracy in the Middle East.  Instead our administration takes the non-committal…

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Hope and Change?

By Blog, The Way I See It One Comment

In this edition of “The Way I See It,” I will simply ask this question. Do you think humankind would be better off if Western, Judeo-Christian values prevailed in the world or, do you think humankind would be better off if the world were ruled by the values of Islam?…

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Surviving the Deadly Attack

By Blog, The Way I See It No Comments

“One who stands with his convictions never stands alone” The Twelve Principles and Strategies That Will Save Your Life   Over the next 12 weeks I will be discussing 12 basic principles applied to the most intimate and deadly of all human interactions, Hand-to-Hand combat.  These principles are distilled from…

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The Warrior Mentality

By Blog, The Way I See It No Comments

Developing the Warriors Spirit “Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit.” – Vince Lombardi Since time immemorial warriors have always held a revered honored and respected place in society.  In spite of all political meanderings and the ebb and flow of societal values, this has never changed and…

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Know Your Attacker

By Blog, The Way I See It No Comments

The Attributes of the Sociopathic Predator “Wherever you are, death will find you, even if you are in towers strong and high!  So what is wrong with these people, that they fail to understand these simple words?” – Mohammed (Qur’an: 4:78) How do you prepare yourself for an attack by…

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Extreme Violence Part 2

By Blog, The Way I See It One Comment

It’s not only your choice I am sure that all of us have heard of and aware of the “fight or flight” reaction.  Did you know that there was more, much more, to it than just those two words? When the brain is triggered by a spontaneous, unexpected and surprising…

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