Ernest Emerson is a pioneer in both custom and production knives. Due to the popular demand for his customs by civilians and members of the armed forces alike, the wait list for one of his handmade knives grew exponentially. In 1996 Emerson Knives, Inc. was founded. In every major theater of operation…
New: New Limited Edition Runs Emerson Knives Emerson Knives, Inc. is proud to announce new exclusive “Special” knives. These models will only be produced in runs of 120 units or less and will be available direct from only. Once these “Special” models are sold out they will no longer be available….
The Black 5 for the 2012 Emerson Knives Christmas Auction. Here is on of the rare black versions of the CQC family of knives. A black on black CQC-5 that feels great and looks just plain bad.