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Hope and Change?

By February 13, 2013November 7th, 2013Blog, The Way I See It

In this edition of “The Way I See It,” I will simply ask this question.

Do you think humankind would be better off if Western, Judeo-Christian values prevailed in the world or, do you think humankind would be better off if the world were ruled by the values of Islam?

If you think that the recent events in the Middle-East are about freedom and Democracy in the way it is believed according to the Western definitions of freedom, liberty, justice and governments role in society, you are, as much as you may not want to be, very wrong.

Think long and honestly about your answer to my question.

My Best Regards,

Ernest R. Emerson

One Comment

  • T.R. says:

    I don’t think this is even a question…Christianity is far superior to Islam in every way. Whether or not you are a Christian you could at least agree that what Jesus Christ taught about treating others is superior to what Islam teaches. Islam teaches to convert or kill unbelievers while Jesus told his disciples to evangelize the world and do good deeds(Matt.7:12,Matt.22:34-40). Many Christian missionaries have given their lives to helping people who ended up torturing and killing them. Jesus Christ’s person and work are completely real and relevant to an ultra liberal, morally degrading society like today’s world.

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