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The Emerson Knives SARK

The Emerson SARK – Search and Rescue Knife

When the U.S. Navy needed a real rescue knife they came directly to us. This was the result of a devastating disaster during a training exercise during which a number of U.S. Marines and Navy Corpsmen lost their lives by drowning. Although Special Boat Unit Crews were on the scene within seconds, they could not cut the Marines out of their harnesses with the official rescue knives that they were issued. In the terror and chaos of that event those knives literally self destructed in their hands. The official description in the after action review was that the folding rescue knives suffered catastrophic failure in use during the rescue attempt.

I received a call from the RTD&E department in Coronado about 4 weeks after the tragedy. “Ernest we want you to design a rescue knife. Are you interested in doing so?” I already knew about the tragedy and they filled me in on all the details. “The knife needs to be safe to both the user and the victim. It must open quickly and efficiently with one hand, it must cut through webbing and straps and harness material and it must not fail. And then he emphasized, “Lives will be at stake in emergencies where this tool will be in use. Do you want the job?”

“Do you know who you are talking to”, I replied. “Yes, we do, that’s why we are talking” was his reply. “Then you already know my answer,” I replied back.

That call came in at 0930 hrs on a Tuesday morning. I was in Coronado at 1300 hrs the very next day with fully functional prototypes, ready for full testing and evaluation. The RTD&E staff was not just surprised, they were blown away. “This is the first time in history that we’ve ever gotten a response like this. It usually takes months,” they told me. I said, “You told me lives were on the line. I figured I better get them to you as quick as possible. Let me know how they do.” I turned and left for the base parking lot.

That is the story of the Emerson SARK Knife.

The rest they say is now history.

P.S. The knife passed their tests with flying colors.


Black G-10 epoxy / glass laminate
Aerospace grade Titanium
154 CM
Black or Satin Finish

Razor Sharp Chisel Grind

Overall Length 8.2 in.
Blade Length 3.5 in.
Blade Thickness .125 in.
Hardness 57-59 RC
Weight 4.1 oz.


The Emerson Search and Rescue Knife

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