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St. Patrick's Day 2025

| Blog, Emerson Knives | No Comments
T-SHIRTS GEAR KNIVES VLOGS St. Patrick's Day 2025 Shop the Emerson Fight Collection. St. Patrick's Day is right around the corner, and you know how much we love it here at Emerson Knives! Once again we are offering our Emerson Irish T-Shirts, gear and some cool Limited Edition Knives. Be…
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Emerson On Civility

| Blog, Emerson Blog Project, Emerson Knives | 4 Comments
Civility, often described as the glue that holds society together, is a fundamental component of a healthy and functioning community. It serves as a powerful force that fosters positive interactions among individuals, transcending differences and promoting a sense of unity. In a world characterized by diversity and varying perspectives, civility…
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The Danger of Ideology over Individuality

| Blog, Emerson Blog Project, Emerson Knives, News, The Way I See It | 4 Comments
Ideology is a belief in the beliefs of others and often not what may be true, just, or right. The peril of ideology reduced to a blind faith in the beliefs of others, often at the cost of truth, justice, and what is right, is a profound concern that resonates…
The All American Knife (1)

The All American Knife

| Emerson Blog Project, Emerson Knives, News | No Comments
There is no more anticipated, respected, honored, or revered event in the world than what takes place every four years on January 20th in front of the United States Capitol in Washington DC.  It is the inauguration of the next President of the United States of America. It is the…


“We’re made in America, because America gave me the
opportunity to succeed. America gave me the freedom to
pursue my dreams.”